Listed below are the many roles that volunteers fill at Church Hill Theatre – though the list is not comprehensive! We are always looking for helping hands in both our theatre and office space. From one-time set painters who never want to step onstage to weekly office assistants that moonlight as performers during musical season…we have a place for anyone and everyone interested in promoting positivity and camaraderie through the arts.
Working the House
Time commitment as low as one night during any of our mainstage productions.
Box Office Sell and exchange tickets, assist patrons in person with their requests for information ticket pricing, confirm membership discounts.
Concessions Sell refreshments at house open and intermission, tidy concession area, and tally the income at the end of the evening.
Credit Card Processor Assist patrons wishing to purchase tickets with a credit or debit card through our Square system.
Usher Greet patrons, take tickets, and distribute showbills. Tidy up theatre space before and after performances.
Time commitment high with an average of nine shows per production and 6 – 10 weeks of rehearsals. Some roles may not be needed for every performance and/or rehearsal.
Acting Performers of all age, experience, and talent level. Actors are chosen via auditions and must commit to memorizing lines, cooperating with director and production teams, and attending all mandatory rehearsals.
Backstage Moving set pieces, organizing props, helping with costume changes, cueing actors to enter stage, etc.
Costuming Work with director to pull appropriate costumes from our storage facilities, make alterations, organize costume closet, take actor measurements, create new costumes, etc.
Hair & Make-up Help with makeup application and design during a nine-show run. May work in tandem with a costume designer.
Light/Sound Assist in the booth with acquiring, creating, and/or executing sound and lighting effects for productions.
Props Help in the creation of and/or acquisition of props appropriate for the time period and needs of a show.
Set Construction & Painting Work with set designer to construct and/or paint sets for upcoming productions.
Stage Managing/Assistant Stage Managing Work with a director to create a rehearsal schedule, contact list, and more. Keep everyone in the production organized and call cues during the show run.

Join a Committee
Time commitment varies with monthly meetings and other special events.
Buildings & Grounds Assure the ongoing upkeep, maintenance, and necessary improvements to the physical plant.
Education Plan, implement, and evaluate all performing arts educational programs for children and adults to be sponsored and/or produced by the Theatre for the community.
Fundraising Coordinate all fund raising activities both at will or based on the needs of determined by the Treasurer.
Marketing Plan and implement a cost effective promotional, publicity, and advertising campaign for the theatre (including print, social media, website, etc.).
Programming Build and schedule the upcoming season (for Board of Directors vote to approve) and discuss and potentially secure any other book-in or special presentations to complement the main season.
Showbill Generate ad sales for the annual showbill to help fund performances and allay operating costs for the theatre.
Volunteers Attract or recruit a constant flow of volunteers into all aspects of the organization and work with the business office to record new volunteers into the database.
Time commitment varies.
Office Assistance Assist office staff with shredding, filing, organizing, stuffing envelopes, answering phones, and more!
Theatre Maintenance Help with maintaining our historic art deco space.
If you have a skill, talent, or interest not listed above, please feel free to reach out! We are always looking for more volunteers and more opportunities for growth.
Click below to complete our volunteer interest form:
For more information about volunteering at Church Hill Theatre and to join our volunteer contact list, please visit our Volunteer main page.